
broken canine

i wish to be the wanted dog

the dog who gets adopted

the dog who is patient and kind

the dog who can wait

the dog that gets treats and love

the dog that is praised and does no wrong 

why can\'t i be that dog? 

why must i be the dog who gets picked last

the dog that cries and barks until their owner returns

the dog that bites out of fear

the dog who never leaves because what if that owner was my last

the dog who can\'t be left alone without ripping the furniture to shreds

i don\'t wish to be this kind of dog

the dog that is feared

that is talked about in hushed tones during walks

the dog that is scarred and shakes with anxiety

i want to be the good dog

the better dog

the dog everyone wants

why must it be so hard? 

what else must i do? 

how much training must i go through before im a good dog? 

the dog that is wanted

the dog that is loved and praised for simple actions

i crave that love, that praise, the owner who will do anything to keep me

but i don\'t deserve that, for you see i am the broken dog

and no one ever picks those ones