
Bury Me In Silver

bury me in silver

dot my eyes and jesus me a jar.

my soldier ants from hypodermic days

pull at my trolley of waste

stigmata brown

st. peters chicken pox

drops his paws and clots his wooden frame

an inch or two where heaven rears it\'s young


too cute to die

these pheramones of codling moth.

where no church hides

no soul can challenge time beyond restraint

of preachers and a prayer

no honey in a money box

will ever greet the cancer of a lie.


I have limped too many miles

from my hearse of penny-black

on egg shells to the grave of rubicon

it is ninetynine

the number of the beast condemned to fly


through centuries of man\'s unblemished art

from thumb to fist

from cobblestones to cake

our soup bowls glazed with cloth of indigo.

is it true our Mona Lisa is a fake?