
The Glory Of Children.

Into the coffee bar we went,

Got our coffees and sat down,

Sat down with friends.

Another friend came in,

Came in with her two retrievers,

I gave them both a treat as normal.

They then laid down and we chatted,

Chatted about many things.

We laughed and we joked as normal.

As I looked around I saw them,

Saw two very young girls

Running and scooting around,

They were laughing with enjoyment.

They saw the dogs and came over,

Their mothers with them.

They stroked the dogs with gentleness

And all was wonderful.

They started running around again

Playing so nicely.

The thought then came to me

As it always does when children are playing,

Playing in such an innocent way.

How can people hurt children,

Harm them in such brutal ways,

Such brutal ways we hear about,

If I came across these people

They would not last very long,

I would hang them from a bridge,

Hang them by their spheroids

And let the crows have them.

Children are so wonderful

And so very innocent

They should never be harmed.