Qurrathul Ain


It\'s okay to be different,

Maybe you are a flower planted with a left hand.

It\'s okay if you\'re unable to cry,

But to cry so randomly at night.

It\'s okay to escape from reality,

Live in your dreams.

It\'s okay to expect a lot.


It\'s okay if you\'re unable to trust,

It\'s okay if no one appreciates you,

You\'re good on your own.

It\'s okay if no one is ready to listen,

Talk to your self.


It\'s okay if it\'s getting late,

While they\'re all settled and happy,

Maybe you wished for a star,

But is destined for the sun.


It\'s okay to give up sometimes,

Just make sure to be back on track.

It\'s okay to spend the whole day doing nothing

It\'s okay to feel useless,

You\'re the best.


It\'s okay,

It\'s normal,

Like the moon with so many scars and flaws,

It\'s beautiful,

You\'re beautiful,

Just be you.