
We All Need Sympathy

This is something that I enjoy the most

The thrilling of your ear

As I fill the cup inspiringly

And go back in time on aisle three

Behold Batman standing in the light

Will he be my daunting savior?

For his cape is as daunting to me

As a severed house;

Oh sympathy come to me

In a severed dream

The world is not as fast as you think

For the greatest love comes from pain

What superhero knows this for real?

I stand in my heart

Through all things

For we all need to see

A pretty picture

For who is the girl on aisle three

Dancing with Batman?

For we all need sympathy

Even the littlest things

Shall I slay with my sword

A poet of fate?

No need for violent hate!

What is a superhero doing at a grocery store

When all the food is taken?

Behold the vultures in the world

Who are selfish and ruthless!

And here I am

Going back in time,

There\'s not much sympathy here

Yet I shall give my heart to your thrilling ear

For your thrilling ear I hear

Sweet roses come to stay.