Tom Dylan

Election Night Special

Good evening, folks, and welcome

to this Election Night special.

The country has been heading to the polls

all day to have their say.


Who will be in charge of the Government

once the public have cast their vote?

Who will be running the country?

Will it be the Cats or

will it be the Dogs?


Will the people vote for the Cats,

these self-centred felines,

cool, cold and calculating?

And look out for their claws,

just when you think they’re

playing nice and purring,

they’ll scratch your eyes out.


Or will people vote for the Dogs?

Loyal and true,

brave and honest,

but will they simply

tear the sofa to shreds

and then give us those

sad puppy-dog eyes

when we get mad about it?


Hold on there, folks,

the results are coming in.

The people have decided.


Neither party has the majority.

We have a hung parliament.


The leader of the Dog party,

the new Prime Minister,

a black Labrador,

has announced he’ll be forming a

coalition government

with the Hamsters.