
Whispers in the Night

In the quiet of the night, I cry,
A river of sorrow, a heart\'s lament,
Each tear a verse, a silent sigh,
In a world where burdens never relent.

Is this survival or is it pain,
The weight of existence, a crushing stone?
I am lost in a relentless rain,
A soul adrift, a heart alone.

I\'ve built walls, a fortress of despair,
Distance an armor, but it cuts deep,
Even my love, to her I can\'t share,
The ache that lingers, the nights I weep.

God, why test me with this plight?
My strength falters, I grow weak,
The shadows lengthen, consuming light,
I search for solace, for words you speak.

What if I fail in this endless fight,
Where challenges gather, an unyielding tide?
I\'ve learned dark habits in the dead of night,
In the battle of life, where do I hide?

Each dawn, a new mountain to climb,
Overthinking, surviving, a weary tread,
Oh, God, in this verse, hear my rhyme,
I am tired, worn, by the life I\'ve led.

Do not be silent in my darkest hour,
You\'ve carried me far, don\'t let me fall,
I know you\'re watching, a hidden power,
In this endless struggle, I call.