
I danced...

I danced with gay abandon

To the laughter of the breeze

As it caressed me softly

And whispered to the trees


The waves came edging closer

Mouths  a-foam  with glee

Boldly edging forward

Before they turned to flee


The leaves bent in a curtsy

The flowers swayed with grace

The butterflies flitted merrily

In that enchanted place


The birds were fast to pick up

The spirit in the air

Soaring in the sun shine

They twittered out their share


The crabs peered out slowly

Then caught up in he fun

Danced a crooked jig

Applauded by the sun


I left them to their laughter

Their carefree, merry ways

To return at will, whenever I pleased

To innocent fun-filled days


Whenever Nature frowns and gives

A dark and threatening glance

Remembrance of her Jekyll-side fills me

And leaves me in a trance.