
Achieving Hope in Nature

The weather is a gentle muse today,
With wind tenderly kissing my face,
My hair dances in a carefree ballet,
In this moment, a tranquil embrace.

Birds weave their way back to their nests,
Echoing dreams of destinations sought,
Despite the trials, in this place, I rest,
Strengthened by the serenity it’s brought.

The sky, an expanse of boundless blue,
Whispers of endless opportunities near,
Promises that time will see dreams through,
In this refreshing calm, hope is clear.

Here, thoughts dissolve into the breeze,
No need to ponder, no burdened mind,
Just living the moment, at perfect ease,
Feeling only what’s present, pure and kind.

No more thinking, no rush, no haste,
Just the beauty of now, simple and true,
In nature’s embrace, life’s sweet taste,
Living, believing, in all that can be anew.