
The trinity

A human being is what we all are, made up of flesh and bone,

But each of us are unique by the soul and persona that we own. 

God’s being is one and is what he is but his persons are 3 entities,

In the Father, the Son and the Spirit we have the Holy trinity.


Genesis 1:26 says Let us make man in our image, 

So that we are aligned to the three persons he possesses.

Yet The Lord our God, the Lord is one in Isaiah 42:8, 

So we know to love, respect and honour them each the same.


The sun in our skies is the Father, the warmth we feel is the Spirit and the Light it gives is the Son,

But the three are interlinked just as three clover leaves flow into a stem of one.

Our minds are transformed by God, 

Our body’s are alike to Jesus by flesh,  

Our souls host the Holy spirit,

But He made us one.