Swords and spears

The sword is against the people 


They throw their spears with might


The counter will deliver 


Songs in the night.



Singing of the glory of the Ancient One of old...


How He bows the nations 


Cast\'s their silver and their gold..



Beat your swords into plowshares 


Your spears to pruning hooks 


Bring down the lofty, shame the high looks. 



The ox knows its owner the donkey his masters crib...


My people do not consider all taken from the rib.



 Brood of evildoers 


Corrupters in the way..


Provoking Him to anger.


Go away.



From the soul of the foot even to the head..


No soundness in it 



Foolishly led..



Our countries are desolate 


Strangers devour the land..


Is it His doing?


Or the work of the hands..


If we cease from evil and learn to do good...


Seek judgement, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow in distress...


Then, from the ashes we will rise, 


Though our sins are as scarlet 


He will wash us clean


As white as wool


The host supreme.



If we are willing and obedient we shall eat the good of the land...


Hear a little

Their a little 

The little understand...


His hand turns against us and purges away the dross,


It\'s a fearful thing to face the Lord 


And many suffer loss. 



Redeems with justice, destructed together..


Those who forsake will be consumed 


Glory to God 





The Lord will be exalted on that day...


And all flesh will understand, the life, the truth, the way.