
Whispers of the Whiskered


In murmurs low, a secret lies,

a tongue not made for human ties.

With gizmo keen to feline plea,

and hound\'s low howl beneath the tree,

I heard, and slowly came to find

a realm where paws with thoughts aligned.


They murmur dreams beneath the night,

in sunlit corners, nap in light.

In alleyways and beds of plush,

they whisper codes in shadows hush.

\"Respect the claw, honor the bite,

fear the hunt, and dread the night.\"


They watch us close with cautious eye,

as kin, as foe, as passers-by.

Two-legs who love, who scold, who play,

in their great story, we all sway.

They softly hiss, \"You\'re not alone,

in our furred hearts, love has grown.\"


So, in their mews and growls, I see,

a veiled, mysterious monarchy.

A world where trust is paper-thin,

a bond that gleams where stars begin.

Through gadget\'s ear, I\'ve come to know,

the silent truths that pets bestow.