Thad Wilk

~> OMG! I Was Raped By an Alien

I shan\'t forget it was a Friday night.

A strange thing happened gave me quite a fright.

I was \'sucked up\' in a white brilliant light.

Dumped off at a nightclub on Mars,

I was a little groggy and seeing stars,


I raised my head and looked up real quick.

Sitting next to me, a purple skinned chick?

Her long bony tail rested right on my dick.

I smiled and drank the cocktail that was made.

Could tell she wanted to get laid.


For a Martian she had looks and lotsa class.

Was tuned to the bone, sleek as fiberglass.

Had \'three titties not two\' and a shapely ass.

A mickey-fin she slipped me was working in.

Everything around me started to spin?


I got dizzy and tired in no time at all.

Off the dang barstool I took a hard fall.

That purple bitch drugged me with \'rohypnol\'.

She dragged me to a room at the ship.

Tossed me on a bed, told me to strip!


Got claw gouged all over head to toe!

Somehow I managed to survive though.

My \'schlong\' still has this weird violet glow?

I think about that Alien every now and then.

YUP, wouldn\'t mind getting raped by her again~

