
Following Faithfully

Tune: Franconia

(\'Blest are the pure in heart\')

Parts of Psalms 23 to 25


23 v.1

The Lord my Shepherd is

He is mine, I am His

I shall not want, lack anything

His grace He does me bring


23 v.6

Surely goodness, mercy

Shall always follow me

And in God\'s house for evermore

I shall dwell, I be sure


24 v.1

The earth, the Lord\'s it is

And His the fullness, this

We know, and too is all the world

By Him made, all unfurled


25 v.4-5

O Lord, show me your ways

And your paths all the days

Lead me in your truth, and teach me

God, you my Saviour be


25 v.14

The Lord\'s secret it be

With those who fear Him, see

He will His covenant them show

In Him they daily grow