
This Is Only A Poem, Not A Love Song

I long to run away into the unknown

Without losing my soul

Aren\'t we all simple brats

In a wounded world?

I wonder if I can tame my words

For the taming of the shrew is lost;

Bury me not in your forum of frantics!

Do me not vile unto you...

Well, do you want to bury me

Or do you want to see my ghost?

There are too many movies I can see

That master the marvelous moments of a girl

Resuscitating her own life...

Oh give me the strife!

For the strife is worth my honor

God\'s shadow is not a is the breath of life!

Meditation releases all fears,

Am I even hungry for somebody\'s tears?

Open up a letter

And see how it feels,

For there are buildings that cry on their own...

Imagine the sun cracking the ceilings

Imagine the windows revolting

Imagine the people screaming

Because they don\'t have no life;

For my heart is a heart of feelings

Imagine me emotionless

I can feel the power of rage moving on!

Open up the letter

And see how it fits,

Does it fit the verity of your soul?

And does your soul have a skull

That cracks in the midst of sovereignty?

Oh the mass and the mighty!

And rain defines love, for love is wet

It drowns the obscurities of one\'s heart

Because the heart is fragile anyway...

And anyway I am fallen...

A fallen beast onshore

And I cannot be meek anymore!

For the meekness in me is soft

And I drink coffee, for coffee is me

And I stay up all the while

Resuscitating my heart.