

For you I will walk to the end of my view.​

Review from the aged history point of view,​

and watch when you first became a part of my view.​

A tossed set of keys, a short drive, a coffee, and some time.​

Sent to save her from a sailor, the annoying kind.​

The day was nice, warm, and the sun bright enough to blind.​

You became so important, a dedicated staple of my mind.​

In front of me this amazing woman, the hardest to find.​

From this point of view to the colors, I\'m not blind.​

The blue of the truck,​

the blue of the sky,​

and the amazing blue of those eyes.​

They are so bright, and so vivid, the ridge softly cries.​

I can stay here forever, as I remember a part of me revives.​

Knowing each day and night I\'m blind to those eyes,​

I sit alone waiting, watching as the memory slowly dies.​

For you I will walk to the end of my view.​

Review from the aged history point of misguided view.​

Watch as I first met with you, with your beautiful blue.