
if only

he lie on the floor like a final bed
his fate intertwined with reality
a hole in his chest the size of his head
surely to leave him friends with death
a word muttered ,the pin gripped
the line for hell to long to see yet he entered so quick

as tide hit rock and boat hit shore the final bell the rang
a sheep, no longer in the flock, no smile to adore.

not place to call home no fleet to call his own, just concrete and reality
his eyes begin to blind as time slows and rewind a memory, not one of being shot
the flashback his mother singing a remedy. light from behind yet again opens his tightening eyes
as siren lights appear, a tear to moisture the eyes

what a foil he remember telling his sister he would arrive home, he opened the door ,entered unknown
its just a shame that a threat of calamity entered his life , a smile no longer shown.

once again the sirens fade, he snaps away from reality, sister leant over in tears, what a tragedy
tears caress his face as he shakes and she screams \"come back to me\"
if only he had never left home

so now he lie on the floor , his final bed
a bullet hole the size of his head, surely to leave him dead
flashback arrives the tears subside and his fate. now the reality
this man of silent words, indeed arrives home every day , he walk along a shattered bridge one made of past, to join the heard.
as he walk along the woven bride of actions that once did, he wonders why he walks and it shatters more, and despite his shouting nobody responds or looks anymore.
he fades into a house. not a home.