
Phantom Meteorology

The sun burns my skin during the summer

It taunts me with the blisters you left

And sears the longing deeper into my soul

I can’t help how everything reminds me of you

I won’t forget as easily as I fell in love

How you had sipped the tears from my face

And calmed the worst of my fears

But my sorrow was far too bitter to be silenced

The fall of leaves during autumn reminds me

Of the collapse of our dynasty; our beloved empire

The fragility of nature whilst winds mercilessly blow

Is akin to the cruelty of fate that destroyed us two

The tears stung my eyes like a hive of angry bees

And my upset stomach yearned for these butterflies to stay

But the serpents coiled around my internal organs nonetheless

And led me to make decisions I’ll regret in every lifetime after this one

The crisp air nips at my skin during the winter

And the smell of December makes my lungs home

I still recall stolen kisses, cold feet and roaring fireplace

And how the footsteps we left in snow was a trail to heartbreak

I collapsed to the floor of the bathroom stall like a house of cards

And clutched what was left of my marred heart like a wounded animal

I looked up at the buzzing light fixture with scorn-filled eyes as if scolding God

And when they rolled back, I could still see your face imprinted into my vision

The blind hope that came with spring was treacherous

Everything and everyone is regaining the color of life

But my love and I were still painted blue in a tragic masterpiece

Every garden that should’ve bloomed was engulfed in blazing fires

The evidence of my grief stained my cheeks like a crime scene

And it cascaded down my face like the unforgiving pours of monsoon

I felt your lips ghosting over me and sipping my tears once again

And I smiled because I knew I would always mourn for you and I