Reynaldo Casison

Woman in Vineyard

Dreamily she Sashays,

Like a Lilly,

Through the Vineyard,

In her Garden Rose dress,

All Exquisite WithIn its Caress,


Surreal as Evening Stars,

She waltzes in Slow motion,

With the Nostagia and Rhythms,

Of her Ballerina days,

When all was Spring,

and Honey blooms,


She Gazes awhile,

With the Sunflowers and Irises,

At the Luminous stars,

And Majestic Moon,

And while they\'re Serenading,

Her Love,

Salsas and Bows,

Gracefully lifts her hem,

Like her Pretty gaze,

to their Diamond shimmers,


Natural as Waves to the Shore,

She Shimmies,

With the Rhythms,

That she Daydreams and Reinvents,

For Nostagia sways,

for Modern loves duets,


The Wind Caresses Her,

From Golden honey hair,

Sultry brow, to Stilleto heels,

With her Thigh high boots,

Relaxing at her Candle loft,

And WithIn her Enchanted Soul,

A Sweet Mellowness,

Frolics, Crescendos, and Lounges,


Its this Vineyard like Sweet Reveries,

And your Love,

That with the Moon and our Stars,

Shall always Shine,

Sublime with her Beauty glowing,

 and Love Flowing,

The Garden Rose Vineyard,

Shall Always with Stillness Sway,

Her Beauties Musicalities,


Moonkissed flowers

Reynaldo Casison