

In shadows where our hearts reside and angels cry 

A love that blooms yet must abide

The hope of my love for you awaits 

Beneath this heavy veil of sacred ties

Your faith and mine, our naked love denies


You hold my heart within the walls of your gaze

A silent song echoed a whispered phrase

Yet bonds of old, traditions hold strong

My consciousness and yours an explosive firestorm 

At the end of the road we run together covering our aura from all the fire rays 


Keep you from where our hearts belong

In secret glances, a burst of fleeting touch

We cherish moments, though we don’t have  much

A love so pure, so patient and divine, yet out of reach

A lesson this crazy life is meant to teach


Your prayers at dawn accompany my midnight sighs

Two souls that yearn, but still can’t defy

The rules that bind, the paths we’ve trod

Our love a silent, sacred nod


No vows to speak, no promises made

Just endless dreams thrown to the river full of what ifs

We walk on paths that never meet

Two hearts that beat a love discreet


Though fate may part our destined ways

Your love will light my darkest days

I promise to be here, I’m on open book, inside words in disguise 

And though we cannot share all of our nights

Your love remains onboard steering my light


So here, within this quiet moment and place

I’ll hold you close in sweet embrace

You have the key to the cage surrounding my burning heart 

A love that only time and faith will remain entwine

Forever yours, forever mine