David Wakeling

The Past.

The Past is an ignoble place to visit.
It’s a fog like place, an eternal spirit,
A ghostly unlit realm of dynamic air.
We cannot be certain of anything, there.

We cannot go there by train or car,
Forbidden to even walk there, it’s too far.
Yet if you lay your head back on a pillow,
You can be taken to many years ago.

Did we all have Mothers replete with kindness,
And Fathers who worked hard to provide for us?
We cannot be sure.***
We are forced to create our memories anew.

Be careful when you travel to the Past.
It is a place filled with Ghosts and demons,
Ready to blame you for everything that went wrong.

There are dark creatures locked there forever.
The only gateway is through your memories.
How terrifying is the Past.
It is unforgiving and almost as dreadful as the Future.