Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Before the albinos 
Unity shielded 
Our households, 
We were one, 
In minds and hearts. 

They came, 
And sowed discords 
Amongst brothers, 
They divided the patterns 
That kept us for ages. 

We thought
It was a joke, 
They built their worship centers
In evil forest, 
Like folktales, 
Our sons and daughters 

Our children 
Abandoned our ways, 
Changed their names;
Joseph and Mary,
Their new identity. 

Ikemuefuna and Afamuefuna 
An evil names, 
They wagged war 
Against our shrines 
With holy water. 

Calling our Chi, 
All manner of names 
They adore their saints 
And tag our idi ichies 

Omenala bu Omenala 
Our cultures and traditions 
By our children, 
Who call themselves 
New converts.

Who did this to us?
Mmadu or Mmuo?
Are we not still slaves to albinos?
Indeed! Things have fallen apart,
Many eyes upon the Cross.

Published: 21 April, 2022.