Kinsley Lee

The Landscape of the Kyung-Eui Line Park at Midnight

It’s passed the initial day of autumn,

And it’s cool and the leaves’re wobbled by the breeze.

Being heard the sounds of grass-bugs on bottom.

And a few cicadas’re chirping on the trees.

A few people are walking at dark night and mid night,

And side of the park, there’re few people in the stores,

And gradually became the brighter the road light

Many of the lords were cleaning the floors.

In the park when the sun set in the west,

Many persons are walking and jogging.

After the office, they’re seek to rest

And filling the pubs, benches for talking.

Already the birds flew to their nest,

The winds’re cooling the left heat in the Park.

The street stalls were lost the guest,

But they’re preparing morrow in dark.

(17th, Aug., 2023, Kinsley Lee)