Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Intellects hire for peanuts, 
The modern slavery,
Loopholes created by our own leaders, 
Who see education as liberation,
For the common man.

Visionary hearts emerged, 
To change the narrative, 
But within, the love of ego
grows like mustard seeds. 

But as time grows old, 
Greed becomes the driving force, 
Where quantity is preferred to quality, 
And the welfare of tutors trivialized, 
With no hope, they stick to their jobs.

Threats echo from the walls, 
\"If you can\'t stick to the vision
Please bow out, I\'m not threatening\"
Hiring and firing, their culture, 
What a mental slavery!

Indeed, Great Leaders are made! 
Where exam malpractices are celebrated,
Though their Future is Bright;
Bright like the darkness of doom, 
Then parents will harvest their fruits.

Society becomes the dumping ground, 
Feeling the impacts of their fruits,  
Those fired and hired, 
Are not left out.

Crimes grow like the mustard seeds,
Why plant the seed of corruption? 
When nemesis will rain her anarchy
upon our roofs,
We are all caught in the web. 


Published May 16, 2021.