Qurrathul Ain


They must like someone as lively as her, not me,

People like someone as fair as white, not someone like me,

I can\'t make it, I\'m not as good as her,

My hair is not as dark as hers,

Our accomplishments are the same,

But why do they prefer her over me?


I\'m lagging somewhere, there must be something not enough in me,

The idea of showing my other side to the world is haunting me.


Maybe it\'s just your imagination,

Can\'t you see how beautiful,

A true uniqueness can be?


Every night,

Millions of eyes,

Admire the moon for its beauty,

The stars - a standing audience to its radiance,

The sun\'s unsaid love for the moon.


But the moon feels inadequate,

For who will love her,

If she showed her other side full of imperfections?

Who will say she still shines,

Once they get close to her?


So, she always hides a part of her,

Not knowing if she did,

There are some who will still adore her as much as they do now,

Unconditionally and forever.


But those who loved her for,

How she looked from afar,

Will leave her,

Once she gets the courage to be herself.