Thad Wilk

*`> Turdle Catchin\' Cuntest ( REDNECK )

Turdle catchin\' takes lotsa guts.

Sum a ma frenz think am a putz.

They tell me ah cuud luuse ma nuts?


Ah lernt this tradefrum unkill Will.

Catchin\' theze \'snappurs\' dun takz skil.

Evry-one noze ther grate ta grill!


Theze kinda cuntests ah imbrace.

Tho lass yere ah cumed in thurd place.

Gut bitin by one in \'ma fase\'!


Ah loosed deeze \'uppur teeth\' thet day.

Ah stil feil the pain, by the way.

Thet realie hert ta ma dizmay~

