Saleh Ben Saleh

I Feel Words

I praise the wise and respect the wisdom of every old and young,

for when they speak they pave the way to every poem or song.


There is a charm in all their words and phrases short or long.

In what they say you should believe until you prove them wrong.


When wisdom speaks I always listen to thoughts of brilliant minds,

just like a gem or precious stone or gold in haunted mines.


I feel the words and see them spark in corners everywhere, sometimes I even smell their scent floating in the air.


A set of words in form of art could take your breath away,

for classy words will make you feel in heaven you want to stay.


I wish I was a famous scholar or a poet who plays a part,

I like to think I have a say in themes that steal the heart.


Even the blind wisdom they see gleaming in the dark,

but ignorant words from a stupid fool could tear your life apart.