is better than loose leaf
for a wayward wind could whisk your pile away
so you best be tight with that paper
tight with that stuff
all eyes upon me when I settled up my urge
not caring if the brown eye girl was doing a surge
or was it a purge
hard to be sure in this expensive place
where I am not a member but I have the grace
to be tolerated due to my chiseled features
that put forth a likeable image on the phones
of them who check in - if they like the moans.
my bag is stuffed with paper of the legal tender
wadded ones and fives that smell of them who render
their guts and souls on heated streets where no one has a dime.
a thin dime or a bag.
I deal in promises of a better next
sniff this and see if you\'re not perplexed.
I wait while the poison claws into the soul
of anyone who has a dime to pitch against this pole.
a pole a goal a thing to focus your short span of bleary attention
then watch you scrawl your name into your face
with filthy fingers again to let them know your place.
you made a penny shining shoes
a pithy gain that soothes your blues
into your bag you threw the clues
of who you were