

The wind howled in glee

As it felled a bike and tree

It whistled as it blew

As away some loose leaves flew


Cyclone Nisarga blew its chest in pride

Its disastrous effects were felt far and wide

Over the foaming waves, growling with deep rage

It came rolling in- a beast out of its cage


The people bowed their head, and thought of their God

This was once more time to commune with their Lord

They prayed that the storm would very soon wane

And their entreaties fervent, would not be in vain


Devastation was such, much news came pouring in

No way could puny man, over Nature’s fury win

The cyclone left us helpless - We were all tied indoors

Watching all that happened, from behind our closed doors


Man thinks he is superior

He has conquered everything

Until a storm like Nisarga

To his senses, does him bring.


Broken, but not bent

Man will stand again

His will power and his grit

Will wash away his pain


He will rebuild with God’s aid

All that’s wiped out – soon

So stand up, and be counted

And reach out for the moon