JD Boye

Summer\'s Dawn


The first morning of summer

I awaken to the gentle sigh

of the earth unfurling 

her first glimpse of sunshine

slipping through my curtains,

chasing away the velvet fog of night,

and sending the Moon to bed.


Outside in the tender hush,

where dawn drips honeydew

onto the blue hydrangea,

I sit with my coffee,

its warmth seeping into my hands,

the steam curling like a cat

against the stillness.


The world\'s whispers arrive,

carried on gentle breeze through branches and leaves,

while the lark\'s song decorates 

the air like delicate lace. 

On these morns,

life is a series of small,

cherished awakenings.


In this moment, 

Sitting before the untouched

canvas of a season just begun,

within my Creator\'s comely nest, 

My heart and soul finds 

renewal and rest.