
Life Partner

She was there I suppose 

The moment that i was born

For as long as i can remember 

She was my companion 

My solace my comfort

Stopping me from touching a hot stove 

Or skipping school with friends 

I don’t understand when she took over

From stopping me from doing dangerous things

To making me think twice before i did anything 

I suppose I lost my natural instinct 

Instead I listened to her

Drowned everything else out 

Even when they were begging to be heard

Anxiety is a weird thing isn’t it ?

As an innocent child it is just fear 

But I wonder if

As I grew

She grew too

From fear to anxiety,

We simply fail to see the lines anymore 

And ignore all other feelings

And I suppose fear comes with anxiety 

Because anxiety makes you scared

Scared to go out

Scared to talk

Sometimes even scared to breathe.

Sometimes she’s so loud in my head

I wonder if she’s my brain now

I feel nothing but what she dictates

I’ve given her total control now

I hope one day I’ll outgrow this

Be able to put a stop to her

And listen to the other voices in my head.

But for now i think it’s safest i listen to her

What do I know besides her ?

I have felt nothing but her 

For the better half of my life.