
Love\'s Trenches and Battlefields

But if you knew the taste of venom,
why did you pour it into my veins?
I asked, my voice a desperate plea,
shattering the fragile silence.

Your eyes, once soft as moonlight,
now shards of broken promises.
I traced the jagged edges of your deceit,
my fingertips bleeding truth.

\"Why?\" The word echoed through my bones,
a desperate prayer to an absent god.
Did you feel the tremors of my trust collapsing,
the fault lines of our love fracturing?

The stars blinked, indifferent witnesses,
as my heart bled ink onto the void.
Because I can’t understand how you could do it,
when I would have willingly laid down my life for your sins.

But now, I am merely a wounded soldier,
returning home from a fraternal war that tore at my soul.
In the quiet of night, memories echo like distant gunfire,
and I wonder if you ever glimpsed the battlefield within me.

Did you see the trenches carved by doubt and longing,
the barbed wire of unspoken words, and the craters of lost dreams?
I carried your secrets like grenades, heavy and ticking,
each step a battle against the gravity of my love for you.

Yet, you remained unscathed, untouched by the shrapnel of my devotion.
And now, as I limp through the aftermath,
I realize: I was both the casualty and the medic.
binding my wounds with verses and stanzas.

So, let the stars continue their silent vigil,
and let my heart bleed ink until it runs dry.
For in this war of love, I fought valiantly,
even when defeat tasted like the bitterest rhyme.