A Boy With Roses


Sometimes I\'m torn between a fever and ego 
I get drunk and say I\'ll start fresh tomorrow
But sometimes, I think, that day never really comes
And I never really know what I\'m doing

Sometimes I\'m trapped in this tricky little disco
Missing all the people I know 
When the sun calls my name
The night tastes like resentment with no map
Slamming the door of disappointment
Remembering those beatific days we would relax
Listening to the booming call of birds
Squeezing love out of skies like an orange 
Castellated in every chasm 

There\'s nothing on these streets anymore
All that I loved was lost here 

In rainbows embellished with obsessions
I adore our anthems, but I hate the attrition of my emotions
Ennui, tequilla rose and a scrowling expression
Detonating at the denouement 

Loving you feels like a burst of apricot
On a cold day
You watch me burnish our coat of arms
Famished like a black star
Keeping tally marks in invisible rooms
Festooned with forsythias.