

O night, take pity upon my plight

And encircle me in your dark shawl

O night, do not go out of sight

O night, do hear my call

Tired of the world, and weary of man

Sick of the way man cruelties does plan

I beseech you, o night, to stop in mid-flight

After all, it’s a long way to morn, and bright light..

Night, you pass me in a flash

And I feel the world’s cruel whiplash

Night, touch me by the magic wand that’s always in your hand

Night, grant me dreams about the golden river and sand

Use every bait, that is up to date

And Linger a little longer,

I beseech you to wait..

Don’t speed by through dawn’s gate

O you, master of sleep and mistress of dreams

Why do you let tears from my eyes stream

Night , oh night, do linger a bit more

And shut out the light that’s creeping through the door