Accidental Poet

Something About Me


On December 11, 1956

A rare woman gave birth to me

A woman of unconditional love

The umbilical cord of love she shares with me

That she knew something about me


Then someone put their nose

Where it didn’t belong

And took me away from her

Unaware of how love can be so strong

That too something she knew about me


I was adopted by wonderful parents

To accompany an older adopted sister

Love grows in many splendid ways

A loving family from a biological twister

Another piece to the puzzle something about me


At four years old

I was rushed into Boston Children’s Hospital

Severe tummy pains turned into appendicitis

My life almost ended there and then

But my adoptive mother wouldn’t let it happen

For two weeks something she knew about me


A ten-year-old boy with virgin heart was I

Until one day a young girl stole my heart

She knew not what she’d done

She just smiled that smile

And four years later she too knew something about me


I was once touched by the wag of a tail

A dog so happy to be with me

Instilling in me a love for all animals

That the intellect of another species was friendly

They seemed to know something about me


I was brought up to be polite and honest

To not take what does not belong to me

To give to others in need

To know the difference between right and wrong

Stand up for what I believe

 Teaching even myself something about me


I spent ten years searching for my birth mother

Only to find her gravesite five years too late

My half-sister thought she knew me well

That I don’t know what love is

For which she stabbed me in the back

Now I know something about her and she about me


Many people think they know me

But it’s not really me they know

They want me to be someone

Who makes them feel better about themselves

Even if it’s made up of lies

Some people fear the truth in something about me


And yet, a select few know me true

They can read between the lines

My beliefs not confused with that of their own

That all I want in life is peace on Earth

For everyone to just get along

Now that’s something about me


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024