Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Today many eyes are teary,
Over a demise of a daughter,
Who left home, healthy and hearty,
To her place of work, at Bakasi\'s shop. 

Fate isn\'t fair,
There, an unexpected played out,
Furry flame launched an attack,
Favour, caught in flame of naked cables. 

Her thighs and legs roasted,
By venom of electrocuting cables,
In pains, she screams for help,
Standing and sitting witnesses,
Came to her rescue.

At the FUTH Wukari,
She lies helplessly,
Her body bites in excruciating pains,
She was hopeful in her hopelessness.

Danji S.S, came to her rescue,
And transferred her to Jos teaching hospital,
There, she seems to be recuperating,
But suddenly, death came visiting,
Rest in peace dear Favour.