
The Pieces

After being broken so many times, the pieces never fit together quite the same,

And you want to blame everyone else, but you know that you are the only one you can truly 


Because you know deep down that it is all your fault,

All you are doing is constantly opening the wound by putting on more salt.

This whole time, you have had the power to change the situation,

And to ignore all of the rumors, harsh words, and accusations.

You tore yourself down due to all of the words that were said,

You have been the one that has laid yourself out, hoping to be dead.

You knew that you didn’t need to worry about anything that they had to say,

Because you have the power to wake up and make it a new day everyday.

At any point, you could have gotten up and changed the narrative,

And you knew that changing your mindset was going to be imperative.

You kept tearing yourself down more and more,

And you allow yourself to fall apart on the floor.

Even though you know what it takes, and you know what you have to do,

Because you are the only one who can change, and you have that power in you.

Instead of taking that step, you fed into the games that they play,

And you decided to keep living that way.

But starting today, you know that this time it is going to be different,

Because you know better now, and you are no longer ignorant.

To let the actions of words and others destroy your mind,

Because you choose to keep a soft heart, and you choose to stay kind.

You know that you can’t change the past, but you can move forward and change the outcome,

Without forgetting who you are, and where you come from.

You know you need to go all in, even though it is terrifying,

And you know that if you say there will be no mistakes, that you are lying.

But you are going to do your best, and believe in yourself on this path,

Because you know you can do it, and the pain won’t last.

One day you will look back and be proud that you decided to do it,

And that even when you wanted to, you decided to never give in and quit.