
A reason to be thankful

Maybe it\'s in the echoed chirp of birds at dawn,

Or in the glow of a new day\'s sun being born.

Maybe it’s in your friendships and laughter that roars, 

Or in the comfort of a home roof, frame and doors.


Maybe it’s in your family that others have lost,

Or in the job that pays the bills you often complain of.

Maybe it’s in the patterned tread of your own footsteps,

Or in thoughts or emotions you are able to express.


Maybe it’s in the food that quells your hunger, 

Or in the memories from when you were younger.

Maybe it’s in the water that dispels your thirst,

Or in the hope for tomorrow to come first.


As long as my inhale, draws my next breath, 

I have something to be grateful for and in it I find strength.