Anthony “Tappy” Paull

How can I speak your language

The world is full of wondrous things,

And to travel there what joys it brings,



Hong Kong Singapore Tokyo Bangkok too,

There is local food and Temples so much to do,



But what if the local language you speak naught,

It\'s best to learn seek help and then be taught,



But which language so many which will it be,

Decide the Country first Thailand for me,



So search the Web to find someone to teach,

Someone reliable and easy to reach,




Through a school I was sent to first meet Kruploy,

Her lessons were fun and easy to enjoy,



It takes a long time to learn to speak Thai

But Kruploy taught me to understand why,



For the language is tonal many words are the same,

If it\'s mid, rising or falling it\'s all in the name,



So many hours we practice and chat,

And soon became friends well how about that,



I called her Kruploy as  the webpage had said,

She told me Kru means teacher to use Ploy instead,




She knew I would come to Thailand promised to another,

So we made plans for Coffee to meet one another,



But the Coffee must be special in a cup of chompuu,

For I made her a promise that this I would do,



Our conversations became very deep,

Of personal things now with secrets to keep,



In Ploy I have found a wonderful friend,

I hope our friendship and bond will never end,



For now we practice not in an ordered way,

We rather share what happened that day,



Conversation is the best learning it’s true,

And there is so much to talk about what we both do,



But we learn to speak words in Thai Glang like Bangkok,

Where I live now they speak Isaan not Glang a lot,


So my journey continues with Ploy as my guide,

Where we will meet we have yet to decide,


But meet and drink coffee we will one day,

And I promise to speak mostly in Thai on the day,


My friend Ploy a great teacher in deed,

But a better friend still if ever I need.