
Eclipsed Desires


In silent rooms where shadows linger mute,   

Their eyes speak secrets etched in waning dusk.   

The hollow echoes reverberate unseen,   

Beneath the weight of unmet aspirations.   


The city\'s breath is weary in its sigh,   

A plea to anonymous stars above.   

The clock\'s relentless face shows no remorse,   

Its hands grasp moments spilling in their flight.   


Fragments of dreams weave through time\'s frayed tapestry,   

Each thread a prayer to unseen arbiters.   

And who among the specters shall we please,   

When all our kisses dissolve like the mist?   


Yet still, we reach through the fog of lost nights,   

To touch the phantom of desire\'s whisper.   

And here, in twilight’s fleeting, tender grace,   

Our troubled hearts seek solace in the void.