
George Floyd - never forget

he handcuffed you, threw you face down,
he soiled you, he put a knee on your neck.
you did not fight;
Oh you, citizen, Man,
Great African American.
it only took 7 minutes
to subdue your body,
put your honor on the ground,
block your breath;
\"I can\'t breathe\", listen to you groan and supply in vain;
7 minutes were enough,
to hear you and then see you die
in full street, at the edge of a gutter.
Dirty cop, sale cop -
cowardly, cruel, determined, without fear or remorse,
and without blinking,
One hand in the pocket. . .
7 minutes to weigh with all your weight on Man;
you destroyed a life,
you stole a son, a brother,
you killed a husband, a dad.
In this pandemic period,
you\'re much worse than the Covid,
crueler and faster; the virus strikes without distinction.
But you executioner, you chose your target.
Your victim wanted to be black.
You, infamous, you shame all white people.
Minneapolis -
you have watched,
you passed nearby,
without intervening, without moving,
you let it go;
You are all guilty.
Demonstrator, parade, town crier today, cry,
for a humiliated, murdered man,
for this crime;
it\'s too late for him and for his family. . .
the unspeakable has happened.
All this must finally stop.
my heart is bruised,
my soul is stunned with so much cruelty,
I\'m desperate,
I am overwhelmed by this total lack of humanity.
This relentlessness, this blindness,
This ability and speed to kill for nothing.
This impunity.
there are Good and Bad on our Earth
and we are forced to live together.
When evil is in him, man remains a wolf for man.
Mr. Flyod -
here is the end of a life of torment.
may your family know peace soon.
you will never live disrespect again.
For you, I will now want to believe in Heaven.
Forgive my helplessness,
I only have my words to honor your memory.
This is the fundamental of human rights that we have just trampled on,
May the reproach be on those who forget it and who flout.