
Unfortunate fate


The sky is blue
And weirdly fades into yellow.
My hat, off my head, flew...
However I\'m starting to tiptoe; it\'s hot bellow.


While I\'m jumping so my toes wouldn\'t be burnt,
Something made me highly alert.
Black, boney, bare hands were waving me farewell,
Then suddenly something opened; the gates of hell.


In a flash, all my scars were revealed.
My deepest secrets are being shown, so gradually
It\'s all happening, what I had feared.
I can\'t be inside my safe bubble I had created.


Although I had not sinned, with the attempt of suicide,
Since it was all in my mind.
All that I wanted to do,
To cut, to shoot and even hang from a noose...

The scars were there from my neck to my wrist; it\'s the sad truth.


These scars aren\'t unjustified...
I\'ve wanted to end it... Sorry mom I lied...
If I wouldn\'t have been such a coward,
Right now I would probably be cremated, getting powdered.


Although you noticed and asked on multiple occasions,
I just couldn\'t bring myself to make you meet with my demons.
I know it\'s stupid, irrational too
However I don\'t want you to feel the pain I do.


All of my bruises start darkening,
So my heart begins faultering.
All of the gashes, wounds and cuts start deepening and pouring
Scarlet all over the ghosts and shades who are tearing me apart for my blundering...


For the last time, I had a thought of you.
This time, there was no spark,just pure uncertainty in your eyes.
No giggles or laughter was heard,
Just you wishing for something which I can\'t be.
Which frankly, made me feel hurt in every inch of my body...


And so this young boy was torn apart,
By creatures aiming for his scars.
An unfortunate battle with depression has
Yet again took one young boys heart.

