
When The Heart Is Bound...

I apologize for being a jerk

But I know who you really are

And sometimes you can be my worst nightmare

I shall strike myself with lightning

Because lightning is all I feel

And my heart is really not cold

It is complacent--

Oh do you forgive me

For being an asshole brilliantly?

For I can see right through you

And my soul cannot be bleak

All I do is try to keep the peace

Nobody knows the secrets inside

And I want you to know just one thing--

With you I have nothing to hide.

For you can see right through me too

I guess it is an internal romance,

For you know how lovely I am

And I know how calculating you are

And it is scary how we can read each other

And it is scary what the outcome may be...

I love you for some strange reason

And I don\'t even know why

But I hope you don\'t sabotage me,

For that would really break my heart!

Sometimes we can\'t determine the things we see,

For the things we see are somewhat hidden

And I want my heart to know this...

For my heart is what I achieve,

And I will always love you

Even if my heart is bound

And I will always love you through poetry

And you will always be a mystery to me--

Respectably and wholeheartedly, I crash

Never knowing what may be

Yet I will always show you love

For no one can ever break me

Respectably and wholeheartedly, I am.