How can I trust you?

You wear a mask of kindness and grace

But behind my back, you show your true face

Spreading secrets, sharing news

A snake in disguise, with a treacherous Muse


You help me out, but everyone knows

Your aid is a ruse, a clever show

You seek to gain, to manipulate and use

Leaving me to wonder, how can I trust you?


Your words are sweet, but your heart is cold

A double agent, with a story to be told

I saw the \"sss\" in your eyes, the snake\'s reveal

Now I know the truth, and my trust you\'ll never steal


How can I trust you, when deception is your game?

When your loyalty is a fleeting flame?

I\'ll guard my heart, and keep my distance too

For trust is a luxury, I can\'t afford to renew.