
I\'m too emotional aren\'t I? I just want to be perfect.

Emotions are something that we should really value because one day you could just lose them all. 

Sometimes you think you know someone, but in the end you really don\'t and they must\'ve been using you. You must\'ve felt pretty STUPID when you realized that they never cared for you ; that they were just using you. They just want to embarrass you ; make themselves look better. You must\'ve felt really dumb. You know you\'re not perfect, but why couldn\'t you be close to it. 

It\'s sucks cause you\'re Being played. 

Highschool exists to destroy you as a person; make you go insane. But all you want is to REALLY feel sane. Why do they feel that you must be tamed. Like a little puppy or like a lost soul. Perfection is so quick to bore and yet you wanted more. You have to be perfect; why can\'t you just BE perfect. You\'ll never be good enough for them, so just leave. 

\"you\'ll always be loved by someone\"

No. It\'s not true. They\'ll always lie to you. They take you as a joke; they all do, but you want to run back cause that\'s all you know.

But who are you trying to impress? What do you gain by staying with them? They only mean to harm you emotionally.

Why do you pretend to be strong; to withstand their hatred? That\'s were only pretending. I mean after all you were never strong mentally. (Brain) I\'m too emotional aren\'t I? (Heart) no. You just want to be perfect. 

Shut up. They\'re wrong. They\'re both wrong... No. You are too emotional. It just took you so long to realize. (Brain) who is you? (Heart) you? Oh she means I as in herself, but she\'s too dumb to realize that she\'s talking about herself. 

No. You\'re wrong. This isn\'t about me. This about \"you.\" 

I\'m too emotional aren\'t I? 

... maybe just a little.