
Keyboard Freedom Fighters

So, you sit behind your computer all day

And try to upset people while you collect tax payers pay


There’s no such thing as forgiving college debt

You ask for forgiveness and pay for everything you get


Our country prints money like its tissues

This must stop because it’s causing issues


So, Keyboard Freedom Fighters you have plenty to say

But if you weren’t behind that keyboard, would you really talk that way


Would you be able to put down your phone and meet me and use facts and logic

I have an education, read news and don’t get information off China’s Tic-Toc


If I don’t know something I am willing to learn

But everything I have I worked hard to earn


So, sit behind your computer and insult me

I’m sure your parents or government paid and again you got something for free


This is not the America I knew

Time to throw in the tissue, God Bless You