
Blood not Love

Two little girls walked  down the street one day, hand in hand where they thought they’d stay.    

 Little did they know what was to come, life would rush and they wouldn’t be so young.     

The two little girls who would walk hand in hand, who would sit at the park all day and play In the sand; 
were no longer little, nor were they girls, they were two young women ready to take on the world.     

The world was frightening, a chaotic place.  For one of the women thought, in such disgrace.    

 The other- quite the opposite, in the  life of chaos she seemed to fit.      

She seemed to thrive, and found success, while the other found herself in a tragic mess, 

A mess where her life would make a change, and no one would ever understand her pain, 

A feeling that she could not ever admit; to her sister that she wanted to quit, 

She tried and tried to push it away but the feeling seemed like it would stay, 

eternally until she gave in, only time would tell and her mind would spin. 

Now the sisters seem astranged because one could not commit to all of the pain,

 that the other once had to endure but the promised she’d be there for her.

She left when she was needed most, and to her sister she was simply a ghost. 

A memory, that she could not escape, why she felt that way she could not say, 

You say they say sisters are best friends, but I disagree.

 because I don’t even know her and she does not know me.