Accidental Poet

The Very Best That I Can

The Rose of Sharon


She put the WOW!

On my lips

The awe on my face

My heart in eclipse


Nearly fifty-seven years

Still, she rules my heart

Fifty-three years I’ve not seen her

My love for her matured from the start


A woman of grace

She’d be today

A mirror rarely blessed

To reflect her that way


Just a walk in the park for her

Same as while a young girl

The day she stole my heart

The prettiest in the world


Like a collage all over my heart

Her face and name of Sharon

Her smile of my inner fire

Showing my pride to share on


In all my life

Only she reached so deep

My heart’s core she owns

For eternity she’ll keep


And to my grave I’ll go

A contented old man

For having loved her so long

The very best that I can


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024