It all seems a little late
How was that \"presidential\" debate!
Who\'s the liar?
Both have a smell.
Each had \"his\" story..
Welcome to hell.
No humility:
I am the One..
What a tangled webbs been spun..
Disunity is death,
Divided not a few,
Is there a way out?
What can the people do?
Is the solution
Who has the biggest clout!
Can politics fix the problems?
Well, I have my doubts.
Wouldn\'t be surprised if blue got the boot..
And as for red, him they might shoot!
I took a bob on Kennedy, at odds as high as the sun,
Early in the betting,
Just for fun.
I don\'t care for politics
Or religion, if it comes to that,
I listen for wisdom but may as well eat my hat.
I don\'t know if it\'s possible for Kennedy to get through,
If he did, at least I\'d be a winner!
Hoo Roo.