Dismoc Le Ma

Ugali to my lips in the InterMIRRORsection

The first time our eyes intertwined, 

you ignited memories of another presence. 

The semblance lingered, faint yet unmistakable, 

evoking a memory buried deep within. 

As I delved further into my recollection, 

the memory became clear. 

I realized that I crossed paths with your distant relative. 

Though my correlation was pure innocence 

my comparison was frowned upon. 



My words were met with hard stares

And evil glares. 

Though my words were unintentional

It pierced with doubt like a honeybee\'s stinger.



My ignorance of misplaced words would bring sensitivity 

to your delightful essence. 



Amidst the commotion, you stood firm

And stayed resolute.



Yet from an outsider\'s view,

Similarities between Ugali and your cousin Fu Fu 

could not be denied,

Or perhaps Amala and other cousins\' names.



But my dear Kenya intervened like a guiding star, 

illuminating my ignorance. 

So the three of us would entangle ourselves 

like a web of pleasure and mystery. 

With Kenya showing me the way.



Who would have imagined that 

my hands would find peace 

in shaping you into a ball 

and dipping you into your favorite stew. 

The deliciousness that dripped from my hands 

as I gathered the stew with the ugali.


